Talent Insights
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Tell Us About You – What a Team Wants to Know About a New Leader
A client, let's call him Joe, who recently joined a global consumer goods organization, participated in a process known as a New Leader Assimilation about a month into his employment with the firm. Joe's organization strongly believes that the success of a new leader is greatly enhanced by using a [...]

Leaders: Do You Have the Courage to Work on Your Teaming Skills?
Lecturing on teaming in an Executive MBA program for eight years, I’ve seen how managers often struggle to team. While these talented, mid-career, senior managers and executives enroll in the program for a variety of reasons, many share a common “productivity” mindset - quickly assess a problem (class assignment), structure [...]

Three Disciplines for Making Smarter People Decisions—Discipline #3: Accountability
“The ancient Romans had a tradition: whenever one of their engineers constructed an arch, as the capstone was hoisted into place, the engineer assumed responsibility for his work in the most profound way possible: he stood under the arch.” Michael Armstrong Former Chairman and CEO AT&T Accountability. We have heard [...]
Upgrading Talent? The Business Case for Coaching the Externally Hired Leader
A priority for many business executives in this down economy is upgrading leadership talent in such areas as Sales, Finance, and Supply Chain. In these and other key functions, executives are betting that the [...]
The Discipline of Making Smarter People Decisions—Discipline #2: Establishing an Interview Assessment Process
businessman looking at hand drawn business concept sketch Several months ago, I wrote a blog entry titled, “where smarter people decisions begin.” Summarizing that entry, I suggested a leader develop a job/candidate specification [...]